class 12 English core mcq questions 2022-23

Class 12th English Core Objective Questions.

नमस्कार दोस्तों आपका स्वागत है, के ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर। यदि आप कक्षा 12वीं के छात्र हैं और English Core के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न एवं उत्तर खोज रहे , तो मैं आपको बता दूं आप सही जगह पर आए हैं। आज के इस पोस्ट में कक्षा 12वीं के English के सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न एवं उत्तर दिया गया है, जो झारखंड बोर्ड,, यूपी बोर्ड, बिहार बोर्ड इत्यादि के लिए काफी महत्वपूर्ण है।

1. What is the motive of writing a letter to the editors?

(a) To ask him to take action.

(b) To threaten him to take action.

(c) To order him to take action,

(d) to request him to give some space to your letter in him paper

Ans. (a) To ask him to take action.

2. How should an article be ended?

(a) thanking the audience

(b) greeting the audience

(c) with a suitable conclusion

(d) all of the above

Ans. (d) all of the above

3. Who sat on the back benches of the last French class?

(a) Franz

(b) Prussians

(c) The village elders

(d) the new teacher

Ans. (c) The village elders

4. What did Hamel bring to his class on his last day in school?

(a) new pens:

(b) new notebooks

(c) sweets

(d) story books

Ans. (b) new notebooks

5. Where was Saheb employed?

(a) at a tea stall (b) at a saree shop (c) at a jewellery shop (d) at a sweet shop

Ans. (a) at a tea stall

6. Mukesh wants to become a motor mechanic –

(a) by finding a tutor

(b)By going to a garage

(c) By reading book

(d) By joining a school

Ans. (b)By going to a garage

7. When Douglas regained consciousness he

(a) Laughed at his experience

(b) Had 104 F fever 

(c) shook and cried and didn’t eat anything

(d) Told his mother about his misadventure

Ans. (c) shook and cried and didn’t eat anything

8. Why did Douglas hire instructor?

(a) To be confident in swimming

(b) To compete with other

(c) To flaunt

(d) To overcome his fear of water and to learn swimming

Ans. (d) To overcome his fear of water and to learn swimming.

9. When the poet looked at her mother again, she felt a pang

of ………………

(a) her familiar ache

(b) guilt

(c) heartache 1

(d) a headache

Ans. (a) her familiar ache

10. The poet compared her mother to

(a) summer’s sun

(b) Rain clouds

(c) Late winter’s moon

(d) Trees and plants

Ans. (c) Late winter’s moon

11. What do the face of children in the slum areas reflect?

(a) happiness

(b) Long wait

(c) aspirations

(d) Lack of enthusiasm

Ans. (d) Lack of enthusiasm

12. How can visitors help the poor children?

(a) by fighting with the government

(b) by fighting with the powerful

(c) by fighting against the inequalities and injustice

(d) by fighting with the rich

Ans. (c) by fighting against the inequalities and injustice

13. Pablo Neruda wants the entire humanity to

(a) keep talking (b) keep running (c) keep laughing at (d) keep still

Ans. (d) keep still

14. Who are described as enemies to each other in the story

of the tiger king?

(a) Bull and elephant (b) Bull and tiger (c) Elephant and tiger (d) None of the above

Ans. (b) Bull and tiger

15. Who wanted a photograph of himself holding the gun and

standing over the tiger’s carcass?

(a) The Durai

(b) The courtier

(c) The astrologer

(d) The king

Ans. (d) The king

16. In the poem Keeping Quiet the poet asks us to count

(a) five (b) eleven (c) ten (d) twelve

Ans. (d) twelve

17. The name of the programme that takes high school student

to the end of the earth is………..

(a) Student of Ice

(b) Student for Ice

(c) Student above Ice

(d) Students on Ice

Ans. (a) Student of Ice

18. Gondwana existed roughly around……….

(a)110 million years ago (b) 450 million years ago

(c) 250 million year ago  (d) 650 million year ago

Ans. (d) 650 million year ago

19. Sadao went to America to learn 

(a) Psychiatry

(b) Surgery and medicine

(c) Music

(d) Fine arts

Ans. (b) Surgery and medicine

20. All the servants in Sadao ‘s household

(a) were happy with their master

(b) felt that he deserved a reward

(C) were very disappointed with

(d) did not help in treating the soldie

Ans. (C) were very disappointed with

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